Tough 2015 start...

Back from Sacramento, California where we were on training for 2 weeks. One goal on that camp : rowing ! That sounds obvious for a rower to row nevertheless I have to say that this was a camp with a lot of rowing involved. We rowed 540 km within 15 days.

In France, this was a big month for me ! We sculled a lot in our singles and crew boats were changing everyday to try out some new combinations in double, quad, pair and four. I sculled and I sweeped during that camp. This was a very demanding camp physically and psychologically. We had some really good weather conditions on lake Natoma and that was cheering us up. I almost made it to the end of the camp when my back started toying with me a few days before heading back home. Within 2 days I was barely able to walk. Moving became a challenge and pain was excruciating. Our biggest concern with the medical staff was to be able to fly back to Victoria. I couldn’t tolerate more than 5 min sitting on a car ! Pain killers and local anaestetic helped me to go back home.I had an MRI scheduled last Wednesday in Victoria. It showed a L4-L5 disc herniation as well as a bulge on L5-S1. So I am out of the boat for a few weeks hoping that things will get better. I have a great medical staff around me taking good care of the situation. We will see where it leads us.

As a sportsman it is never easy to be out of your training routine. Especially when the day before you were training hard and going fast and the next day you are barely able to walk or to put your shoes on by yourself. It shows that you can never take things for granted.
As Olaf Tufte told me a few days ago, I should focus on what I can do and not on what I can’t do. Today, I was able to put my clothes on by myself. This is a step closer to the boat.

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